
Angeline's Re-wilding Goals

 I am a member of the OSFSR Re-wilding Task Force.  As a Behaviour Analyst, I am, of course, keen to develop goals and data collection around of re-wilding efforts.  Here are my personal re-wilding goals and plans for data collection. Behavioural Goal: Spend 30m each week on educational activities (e.g., reading online posts, listening to podcasts) to learn about native species to add to my property and invasive species that should be removed or avoided. Timeline. March 19 - June 24, 2023 Outcome Goal: A list of species to remove and a list of and equal number of species to plant on my property by June 24, 2023 Reinforcement Contingency: Set aside $30 per week in week in which behavioural goals was attained.  Add $100 if Outcome Goal is attained).  Money set aside will be used to purchase plants. Data Collection: Self-monitoring of time spent on educational activities.  Probe data (Y/N) to be gather June 24, 2023 on Outcome Goal. 

Introduction to the Wild Yards Task Force

  RE-WILDING EFFORTS The Wild Yards Task Force is for members who wish to be involved in re-wilding efforts.   AS WE ANALYZE OUR OWN BEHAVIOUR AROUND NATURE AND RE-WILDING, WE STRIVE TO:       KEEP  what works       IMPROVE  what we can       STOP  harmful practices       START  moving towards our vision FIRST SUGGESTED TARGETS The group researches/shares best re-wilding practice. Each member starts a small re-wilding project for their own yard. Members include behaviour analytic practices (e.g., self-monitoring) Members visit re-wilded projects. Members share their project stories on our website and/or in social media. Contact Angeline at  if you are interested in joining us!